HFN Ballast Hopper

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Class HFN
Vehicle type 4-wheel ballast hopper
First introduced 1912
To Port Lincoln By 1955
Ex Port Lincoln 1983
Load capacity 11 tons (1964: 12 tons)
Number on Eyre Peninsula 20
Vehicle numbers HFN5084-5094, 5096-5104

Built 1912 as Z class hoppers, altered to HFN. Eight to Port Lincoln 1955 (5086, 5088, 5089, 5097, 5099-5101, 5104), twelve more in 1964. New bodies fitted to 5085, 5087, 5091, 5093-5094, 5096 and 5102-5103 in 1966. HFN5104 condemned Oct 1980. All others except HFN5084 condemned 21 May 1982. HFN5084 fitted with roof and hatch covers for use as sand wagon (date unknown); condemned 3 Dec 1983, body mounted on underframe ex RPN7716 to form sand wagon NHS7716, Apr 1983.

HFN5090 at Cummins in the mid-1960s. Photo: Ralph Holden